
Every text you send takes the same amount of energy as boiling a cup of water!  Solution: only send text messages that are most necessary, hitting Liked, or Loved etc. resends the entire text and is a SUPER major waste of energy.  Before that button was available, we easily assumed the receiver of your text liked it, or laughed at it, so drop the unnecessary response and you personally can prevent tons of new CO2 into the atmosphere every year.  Warning - server farms, telecom towers, small cells, and satellites are the backbone of the cellular economy and have created a toxic EMF web of energy surrounding the earth.  Server farms are also one of the top 3 energy consumers and producers of CO2 on the planet, and its only getting worse.

Shopping non-locally

The average distance an apple travels to get to your store is…3000 miles!!!!  That’s insane.  Solution: Start to transition to non-canned or packaged food (including lettuce in boxes, Oy the waste) which significantly impacts CO2 levels via massive transportation emissions and create packaging waste.  Talk to your grocers and encourage local fresh foods, dairy, meat and other goods to be available at the stores.  Its also helping the local farmer economy.  Warning, we are running out of landfill space in the US.  Soon it will be very expensive to get rid of garbage so start reducing it now.


We all do it because it feels good to have this endless store be our convenience slave.  We all now live like royalty; anything can be delivered to us from around the globe.  Amazon trucks go up and down my street 10x a day and I have seen my friends order a lipstick or food item that could have been picked up at the next store run. Crazy amount of CO2 emissions issues. Solution: Get conscious of how you buy things, make lists, and buy them at a local store.  Warning: if you order from Amazon, start to put your orders in weekly or monthly and have it all delivered at once. Within a few years the unsustainable costs of transportation, warehousing, packaging, and waste will dramatically increase prices and limit services to those who cant afford it.